Unit bisnis Agribisnis & Food dari kelompok usaha Sinar Mas yang bergerak dibidang Perkebunan & Teknologi Pengolahan Kelapa Sawit, membutuhkan tenaga professional untuk menempati posisi:
Asisten Infrastruktur (AI)
Pendidikan D3/S1 Teknik Sipil
Lebih disukai yang berpengalaman kerja di proyek pembangunan infrastruktur
Penempatan di seluruh wilayah Kalimantan, Sulawesi dan Papua
Kepala Workshop (KW)
Pendidikan minimal D3, lebih diutamakan jurusan Teknik Mesin
Berpengalaman sebagai Kepala Workshop minimal 2 tahun
Berpengalaman dalam perawatan dan perbaikan kendaraan jenis truk dan alat – alat berat
Penempatan diselutuh wilayah Kalimantan, Sulawesi dan Papua
MT-Adkministrasi (MTA)
Pendidikan D3 / S1 Ekonomi Jurusan Manajemen / Akuntansi
Fresh Graduate dengan IPK minimal 2,75
Bersedia menjalani ikatan dinas
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah operasional perusahaan (Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Sumatra dan Papua)
MT-Workshop (MTW)
Pendidikan D3/S1 Teknik Mesin
Bersedia menjalani ikatan dinas
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah operasional persuahaan (Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Sumatra dan Papua)
Riset Staff (RS)
Pendidikan S1 MIPA jurusan Kimia / S1 Pertanian jurusan Agronomi , ilmu tanah atau hama penyakit tanaman dengan IPK minimal 3.00
Penempatan di perkebunan di wilayah Kalimantan, Sumatera dan Papua
Tuliskan kode lamaran sudut kanan atas amplop dan kirimkan lamaran lengkap ke:
PT Nestlé Indonesia - Our company is a leading food Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company, Our Company has for the past 141 years produces the best product with a passion for excellence in food safety and quality. We are committed to these ideals and value the trust given to us by our consumers worldwide. If you have the same passion for excellence, we invited people with professional knowledge, personal integrity, and strong motivation to excel and enjoys facing challenges in a dynamic organization to join as our :
Senior Production Supervisor The selected candidates will manage our people, process as well as product at our manufacturing plant in Pasuruan – East Java to produce quality products as our expectation. Training and development plan will be provided to assist selected candidate to develop his / her competences to meet our requirement.
Requirements :
Graduate from S1 program of Food Technology, Mechanical Engineering, or Chemical Engineering
with GPA minimum of 3.0 of 4 scale
Experience in manufacturing area will be an advantage
A team player with high motivation, capacity to learn, precision and able to work under pressure.
Quality conscious, have a lot of energy and able to share his/her idea in English
Selected candidates will be offered a competitive remuneration package and career opportunity, and various training programs.
Interested applicants may send application and CV in soft file (doc or pdf file format) to :
e-mail : recruitment.kjn@id.nestle.com with subject : name of position applied
ExxonMobil brings together a diverse and talented workforce to take on the world s toughest energy challenges. The increasing demand for energy is a global issue - it affects literally everyone, everywhere on the planet. That s why we give all of our people the opportunities they need to make an impact.
Accountant / Financial Analyst The main responsibilities are preparing and analyzing budgets and plans against actual results, performing monthly closing and reporting activities on tight deadlines for company headquarters and government bodies, and building and maintaining close relationship with internal and external parties to support the successful completion of these activities.
Candidate should have:
Bachelor s or Master s degree in Accounting, a Finance or Economics with min. GPA 3.5 on a 4 point scale from reputable university
Demonstrated excellent oral and written communication skills in both English and Bahasa Indonesia
At least 3 years experience as an accountant/financial analyst
Excellent accounting skills (as evidenced by ability to pass accounting competency test), analytical and problem solving skills
Experience in SAP and the Oil and Gas Industry are highly desirable
Candidates who meet these criteria should apply online at:
All applications will be treated as strictly confidential. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. No individual shall be authorized to use the ExxonMobil name and logo in an attempt to solicit up-front fees from the interested job-seekers.
PT. Solid Black Gold – Coal Mining Contractor companies having production area in Muara Teweh, Central Kalimantan Province in collaboration with several concession owner, which started operation since 2006 until today. We have a standard of coal quality in complying with our customer in Japan and USA which uses for electricity. We open several positions to strengthen our manpower and business position,
1. KEPALA TEKNIK TAMBANG – KTT ( Kalimantan ) Requirements:
Male, maximum 40 years old.
Degree / S1 in Mining Engineering.
Having 8 years experience in mining with minimum 5 years in managerial Post.
KTT Certificates holder (POP, POM and POU).
Good knowledge about Mining Reclamation and Rehabilitation.
Good knowledge in Mining Software.
Having Good Relation with Government Institution.
Having Good knowledge and understand in Government Regulations concerning Mining, Manpower and HSE.
Able to produce Mining Analysis.
AMDAL knowledge.
Good Leadership is a must.
Excellent overall Communication skills.
2. SENIOR GEOLOGIST – SG ( Kalimantan ) Job Description:
Plan detailed exploration of the coal concession, including identifying outcrops.
Able to calculate reserve estimation from borehole data.
Plan borehole drilling patterns and drill hole logs.
Lead and monitor a team of exploration in daily tasks, such as mapping, surveying and drilling.
Able to use AutoCAD for mapping and reserve estimation.
Coordinate with mining department regarding future mining plans and pit limit markings.
Coordinate with Humas Department, regarding marking of land of different owners.
Communicate with surveyor regarding topographic survey.
Minimum Requirements:
Geological Degree from reputable University.
Passive English.
AutoCAD is a must.
Experience of working in the coal field as senior geologist minimum 5 years.
Ready to work in remote area.
Leadership qualities is a must.
3. LOGISTIC STAFF – LS (Jakarta) Requirements:
Male / Female, maximum 28 years old.
Minimum D3 holder.
Min. 2 years experiences in Purchasing / Logistic Department.
Computer literate ( Microsoft, E-mail ), knowledge about Purchasing / Logistic software is preferable.
Able to communicate written and spoken in both English and Indonesian.
Ability to multi-task and work under pressure.
Excellent overall communication skills.
Good personality, hard worker, fast learner and reliable.
Able to work individual or team
Please send your comprehensive application and resume meeting our requirement to: HR Department PT. SOLID BLACK GOLD Rukan Gading Bukit Indah Blok M – 10 Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara
Sebuah Rumah Sakit bertaraf internasional yang berlokasi di Sidoarjo RSU Citra Medika, memberikan kesempatan kepada para profesional untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut:
A. Radiografer, dengan kualifikasi:
Laki-laki Single
Usia Max. 25 Tahun
D3 Radiografer
IPK Min. 2,75 (Skala 4,0)
B. Asisten Apoteker, dengan kualifikasi:
Laki-laki Single
Usia Max. 25 Tahun
SMF / D3 Farmasi
C. Perawat Gigi
Perempuan Single
Usia Max. 30 Tahun
Domisili di wilayah Mojokerto
D. Bidan
Perempuan Single
Usia Max. 30 Tahun
Domisili di wilayah Mojokerto
E. Perawat
Laki-laki/Perempuan Single
Usia Max. 30 Tahun
Domisili di wilayah Mojokerto
Kriteria Umum:
Berpenampilan Rapi, sopan dan cekatan.
Orientasi Customer.
Sehat jasmani & rohani.
Lebih diutamakan yang berpengalaman minimal 1 tahun.
Mampu berbahasa Inggris Min. Pasif.
Tinggi Badan Min. 160cm.
Bagi anda yang memenuhi kualifikasi tersebut di atas, kirimkan lamaran & CV anda disertai pas foto berwarna terbaru uk.3×4 ke alamat:
Jl. Raya Surabaya-Mojokerto Km.44, Sidoarjo. atau via e-mail ke: hrd@citramedika.com / rsu_citramedika@yahoo.com
SIPC LIPI - Sistem Informasi Penerimaan CPNS LIPI merupakan satu-satunya pusat informasi dan layanan resmi terkait dengan seluruh proses penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil - CPNS di lingkungan Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia - LIPI. Proses lamaran CPNS LIPI hanya dilakukan secara online melalui situs ini , dengan sistem ini diharapkan proses penerimaan CPNS LIPI bisa dilakukan dengan lebih mudah, murah dan terbuka, baik bagi calon pelamar, Panitia Penerimaan CPNS LIPI maupun masyarakat.
Pada TA 2009, LIPI direncanakan akan membuka kembali penerimaan CPNS baru. Saat ini informasi final belum tersedia, silahkan mengikuti informasi terbaru melalui situs ini...
PT TASPEN (PERSERO) adalah sebuah BUMN yang bergerak dibidang Asuransi dan Pensiun membuka lowongan pekerjaan bagi lulusan D-3 dan S-1 untuk ditempatkan pada Kantor Cabang di luar Pulau Jawa
A. Persyaratan Umum
Warga Negara Republik Indonesia (WNI), diutamakan yang bertempat tinggal dan memiliki Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) di wilayah kerja Makassar, Manado, Gorontalo,Ternate, Palu, Kendari, Samarinda, Pontianak, Palangkaraya, Pangkal Pinang, Banda Aceh
Usia maksimal pelamar adalah 24 th untuk D3, dan 30 th untuk S1 pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009.
Indeks Prestasi 3.00 (PTN) atau 3.25 (PTS) dari skala 4.00
Program Studi yang diterima adalah lulusan :
S1: Hukum (HUK), Matematika (MAT), Arsitektur (ARS),
Memiliki Skor TOEFL Prediction min.500 (khusus S1)
Belum menikah dan sanggup untuk tidak menikah selama 2 tahun sejak diangkat sebagai Pegawai
Sehat Jasmani, Rohani, Bebas dari Penggunaan Narkoba dan Obat Psikotropika
Lebih disukai yang memiliki kemampuan di bidang olahraga
B. Persyaratan Administratif
Membuat surat lamaran yang disertai Riwayat Hidup (dilengkapi dengan no telp/HP dan alamat email yang masih aktif)
Pas foto berwarna terbaru ukuran 4 X 6 sebanyak 3 lembar
Foto Copy KTP yang masih berlaku sebanyak 1 lembar
Foto Copy Akte Kelahiran / Surat Keterangan Lahir
Foto Copy Ijasah /Surat Keterangan Lulus, transkrip nilai dan sertifikat TOEFL yang telah dilegalisir.
Asli Surat Keterangan Belum Menikah (minimal dari Kelurahan setempat)
Fotokopi Surat Keterangan Kelakuan Baik (SKKB) / Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dari kepolisian
Asli Surat Keterangan sehat jasmani, rohani, bebas narkoba dan obat psikotropika, bebas buta warna dari dokter/institusi yang berwenang
Membuat surat pernyataan bermaterai Rp.6.000,- dilampirkan pada berkas lamaran, yang menyatakan :
Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan tidak hormat sebagai pegawai di Instansi Pemerintah/Swasta;
Bersedia mengikuti seluruh prosedur dan tahapan seleksi;
Bersedia menanggung segala biaya alat tulis (pensil 2b peraut, penghapus dan papan alas tulis), transportasi dan akomodasi selama proses seleksi dari tempat tinggal (domisili) pelamar ke lokasi seleksi;
Bersedia mengganti biaya yang telah dikeluarkan selama proses seleksi apabila pelamar telah dinyatakan lulus seleksi tahap akhir dan mengundurkan diri secara sepihak.
C. Tata Cara Melamar
Berkas lamaran lengkap dengan lampiran persyaratan administratif dimasukkan dalam amplop coklat tertutup
Berkas lamaran dikirimkan/ditujukan kepada:
PO BOX 4166 JKP 10041 bagi pelamar dari Pulau Jawa dan sekitarnya (kode JAW)
PO BOX 4167 JKP 10041 bagi pelamar dari Pulau Sumatera dan sekitarnya (kode SUM)
PO BOX 4168 JKP 10041 bagi pelamar untuk pelamar dari Pulau Kalimantan dan sekitarnya (kode KAL)
PO BOX 4169 JKP 10041 bagi pelamar dari Pulau Sulawesi, Papua dan sekitarnya (kode SUL)
Kota Tempat Tes Sementara: Jakarta, Makassar, Manado, Pontianak, Banda Aceh(Pelamar wajib mencantumkan kode jurusan , kode asal pelamar serta pilihan kota tempat tes pada sudut kanan atas di sampul depan amplop lamaran dan di dalam surat lamaran halaman pertama. Penunjukan kota tempat tes tergantung keputusan PT.TASPEN (PERSERO)
Seluruh berkas lamaran yang masuk menjadi milik PT.TASPEN (PERSERO) dan tidak dapat ditarik/diambil kembali dengan alasan apapun;
Seleksi dilakukan dengan menggunakan SISTEM GUGUR.
D. Tahapan proses seleksi penting untuk diperhatikan oleh para pelamar :
Pengumuman lowongan dapat dilihat di situs www.taspen.com dan http://portal.bumn.go.id
Berkas lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 1 September 2009 (Cap Pos)
Pengumuman pelamar yang lulus seleksi administratif dan berhak mengikuti seleksi Tes Potensi Akademik dapat dilihat hanya di situs www.taspen.com pada tanggal 5 September 2009
d) Pelaksanaan Tes Potensi Akademik tanggal 12 September 2009(Lihat pengumuman pada butir c )
Keputusan kelulusan bersifat final dan mutlak tidak dapat diganggu gugat, serta tidak diadakan surat menyurat dan komunikasi dalam bentuk apapun terkait keputusan tersebut.
Jakarta, Agustus 2009 Panitia Seleksi Calon Karyawan
Established since 1974, Panin Life has rapidly grown to become one of the leading Life Insurance Company in Indonesia. Going public in 1983, it became the first public listed Life Insurance Company in the country.
For more than 35 years, Panin Life has proven its survival capability withstands changes in various economic conditions. Renowned for its ease and professionalism in reimbursements of policy claims, the company has been widely recognized as one of the people's most trustworthy companies. Forbes Asia Magazine, in its October 2005 edition, acknowledged Panin Life as one the "200 Best Companies of the Asia Pacific Region, and also ranked second during the Indonesian Business Award 2005 for the category of "Indonesia's Best Insurance Companies". Other than that, it was the best 3 publicly listed company in "Best 20 Insurance Companies" according to Investor Magazine in the year 2007. In 2008, Panin Life also ranked as the best syariah branch of life insurance company with total assets under IDR 10 billion according to Investor Magazine.
Panin Life as one of the leading life insurance companies with annual revenue of more than IDR 1 trillion, invites you to join us as: Finance Staff(Jakarta Raya) Requirements:
Male, age between 21 - 29 years old
Minimum D3 Degree in Management / Accounting from one of the reputable universities
Minimum 2-3 years work experience in purchasing (especially in tender offering procedures) will be a plus point
Strong Microsoft Office skills (Excel & Word)
Good command in English
Good communication and negotiation skills, team work, and good analytical thinking
High level of integrity, honest, proactive, high initiative, willing to learn new things and teachable, with positive attitude and high commitment to deliver the result
Submit your CV & recent photo to:
hrd@paninlife.co.id Or Human Capital DepartmentPanin Life Center, 7th Fl.Jl. Letjend S. Parman Kav. 91Jakarta 11420
Put subject "Purc"
Only short listed candidates will be notified to undergo further processes
SUZUKI INDOMOBIL MOTOR, PT As a reputable automotive company, today PT Suzuki Indomobil Motor are challenging and looking for a talented, competent, and strong character individual as part of our growth and expansion plan for:
Having min. 1 year experience in Manufacturing / Production Engineering especially in Automotive Industry would be an advantage.
Familiar with computer and technical drawing programs such as AutoCad or Catia is a must
Well proven in English communication skill ( spoken & written ) or Japanese would be very helpful.
Should you interest to perform this opportunity in SUZUKI, please submit your comprehensive resume and recent photograph not later than September 9, 2009 and please put the position code (MES) as the subject to :
HRPD-Recruitment PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor Gedung Training Center TB1 Jl. P. Diponegoro Km 38,2 Tambun – Bekasi 17510 or Email : recruitment@suzuki.co.id
PT Harita Prima Abadi Mineral - We are one of the biggest Mining Group of Company in Indonesia. We look for suitable candidate who can fill the position as below :
Master Mariner (Code : MM) QUALIFICATIONS :
Male with minimum 10 (ten) years experience as Marine Operation Manager
Bachelor degree from marine faculty
Possessed certificate of ANT 1 / ATT 1
Fluent in English both oral & written
Computer Literate in using MS office & Internet
Good health and able to work under pressure with good result and always seek best solution to solve problem
Experienced in handling Bulk Carrier/Cargo, Tug Boat & Barges in remote area
To be based in Eastern Indonesia, with rotation schedule. Preferable experience working in the Site Project
Please submit your application letter complete with CV, recent photograph and expected salary to : HRD PERSONALIA PO. BOX. 8358 JKSMP JKT 12083
or e-mail to : hrd_recruitment@haritamineral.com, recruitment.haritamineral@gmail.com
Only qualified candidate match with the above mentioned qualifications and requirements will be notified for further selection.
Royal Dutch Shell plc was established more than a hundred years ago in Indonesia.Today Shell is a global company operating in over 100 countries and regions throughout the world, and employing more than 102,000 people. Shell Indonesia has been established as one of the fastest growing lubricants, retail fuels and bitumen business in the country and has strong commitment to strengthen their presence significantly.
Shell Indonesia has received the Indonesia’s Most Admired Companies (IMAC) Award 2007 and 2008 for Oil & Gas category for its best Corporate Image, by Business Week Magazine and Frontier Consulting Group.
Operating in Downstream Oil Products, Shell Indonesia serves the business and motorist market segments. Shell Indonesia manages the business operations that include marketing and trading lubricants directly as well as through its appointed distributors. The Route To Market Manager is responsible to develop new Route To Market (RTM) models that are consistent with Global Marketing strategies, including transferring best practices to the Country. Route To Market Manager(Jakarta)
Possess a minimum Bachelor Degree from a reputable university
A minimum of 5 years’ relevant experience in sales and marketing, particularly in Sales Management, Distributor Management and/or Channel Marketing within Fast Moving Consumer Good (FMCG), Telecommunication or Information Technology (IT) industry, preferably with at least 3 years of experience in a Leadership role
Good English communication skills
Has detailed knowledge of commercial retail market, which involves mixed and multiple sales channels
A valid visa or authorisation to work in Indonesia is required for this position
Develop and implement Indonesia RTM plans in line with Cluster Business Objectives and consistent with Global Marketing Programs
Develop mechanisms in tracking and managing sales channel mix dynamics and its sales effectiveness
Develop distributor value proposition and work closely with Sales and Marketing in deriving and executing the Shell Lubricants distributor plan. In addition, to review the agent model and implement a sustainable model going forward with the distributors
Gain overall market understanding of geographic demand pockets and establish a distributor network development plan for the country
Provides training and support for Sales and Marketing teams on Channel Management, as well as to develop a training platform for distributor sales staff
Sadikun Group - We are an Energy Company is currently inviting potential candidates who feel passionate and are highly desired in growing with our company through contributing your skills and experiences in these following challenging positions:
1. OPERATION MANAGER Responsible to manage all the operational activities in sales, logistics, purchasing, and financial. Possess a good team working, interpersonal skill, and strong leadership.
2. SALES & MARKETING OFFICER/ SUPERVISOR Responsible to support the marketing team, provide technical advice and support to the customer, possess excellent communication skills as well as excellent technical presentation skills, good account management and analytical skills in analyzing data, good looking.
3. HR & LGA OFFICER/ SUPERVISOR Responsible to create and implement an effective HR program including recruitment, training & development, compensation & benefits, staff relation and performance management. Good knowledge and skills in making business agreement and good implementation in labor law. Possess the ability to manage and control day to day administration and operation of General Service including facilities, building maintenance, and transportation.
4. PROJECT ENGINEER Responsible to lead, manage and supervise data-centered projects including mechanical electrical contractor jobs of the company. Performing project management role; scheduling budgeting, man power planning of every data-centered project within the company. Supervising subcontractors and vendors, and performing excellent cost control of projects. Minimum qualification is bachelor of engineering (major in electro, mechanical, electrical, civil or architecture).
5. ISO & BUSINESS ANALYST OFFICER / SUPERVISOR Responsible to develop SOP for further advancement and conduct an ISO audit. Good understanding in ISO, SOP, work instruction, and Kaizen. Certified in Audit ISO 9001:2000. Ability to perform and coordinate Quality Management System.
6. PROGRAMMER OFFICER / IT SUPPORT Responsible to handle trouble shooting in Linux and Windows. Excellent in Delphi / Java, VB, database programming (MYSQL, SQL), hardware and network programming, Having a good knowledge of Web Based Programming, Open Source Programming, & ERP Application. Good understanding in computer development, operating system installment, computer, and network setting.
7. PROCUREMENT OFFICER / SUPERVISOR Responsible to handle, coordinate and make decision in local and international product purchase. Experienced in importing and exporting product. Responsible in delivering, storing product, and managing warehouse. Possess a good negotiation skill, team working and interpersonal skills as well as strong leadership.
8. FINANCE OFFICER / SUPERVISOR Responsible to deal with all financial activities, including administration handling, good ability in performing analysis on financial report, capable of preparing financial report, having good knowledge in AR, GL, and taxation is preferable.
9. CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICER Responsible to provide services to customer, to supervise goods demand and goods transfer process. Proficient in market orientation and market development. Good ability in sales administration.
10. ESTIMATOR Responsible to estimate the power of constructions and to count the project expense. Also responsible for controlling, scheduling, and assisting the project implementation. Minimum qualification is diploma 3 (D3) or bachelor degree major in civil engineering.
11. HSE OFFICER / SUPERVISOR Responsible to coordinate and supervise the overall health, safety and environmental program at work. Also, to compile and manage the safety and environment procedures in accordance with applicable safety and environment standard. Having knowledge about OHSAS and Government HSE Regulation and its implementation is preferable.
General Requirements: Has a minimum of 5 year a experiences (Manager), 3-5 years experiences (Supervisor), and 1 year s experience (Officer) in similar position and business unit. Responsive: possess strong initiatives, good analytical, problem solving and communication skills, proficient in written & spoken English, good interpersonal skill, high loyalty, focus and proactive: strictly no smoking: willing to be placed in Java, Bali, Kalimantan and Sumatra region.
Please send your application letter and CV along with 4 X 6 size photograph, and write down the position code on the top left corner of the envelope to :
Bank Maspion sebagai bank swasta devisa yang berkembang members kesempatan kepada anda untuk mengembangkan karir bersama kami, dengan spesifikasi sebagai berikut :
Berpengalaman dalam mengembangkan, meluncurkan dan melakukan pemantauan terhadap produk dan layanan baru.
Mampu mengembangkan strategi dan promosi untuk melakukan penetrasi pasar.
Pengalaman min. 3 tahun sebagai Product Manager atau min. 5 tahun sebagai staff pengembangan produk pada perbankan atau lembaga keuangan.
Mampu membuat Laporan kepada manajemen serta memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik
Latar belakang pendidikan akuntasi atau manajemen keuangan
Memiliki pengalaman kerja di bidang perbankan / akunting / keuangan lebih diutamakan
Menguasai Bahasa Inggris secara lisan maupun tulisan
Kualifikasi Umum:
S1 /S2 dari universitas terkemuka dengan IPK > 3.0
Lokasi penempatan Surabaya / Jakarta (PPJ) dan Surabaya (BD).
Bagi anda yang memiliki kualifikasi untuk posisi tersebut di atas, kirimkan Lamaran disertai daftar riwayat hidup dan foto terbaru ke:
HRD STRATEGY PT BANK MASPION INDONESIA Jl. Basuki Rahmat No. 50 – 54 Surabaya 60262 e-mail: hrd_recruitment@bankmaspion.co.id
Lamaran harap mencantumkankode posisi yang diinginkan di kiri atas amplop.
Nissan Motor Indonesia is a manufacture and distributor company of “Nissan” car. Nissan as a worldwide company with Japan investment, invite you to join our team and grow with us.
Warehouse Assistant Manager (Code: Warehouse) Job Specification Position : Warehouse Assistant Manager Department : Spare PartWorking Location : Cikampek
Job Description : Manage and control all the daily warehousing function start from receiving, shelving, locating, picking, checking and delivery Doing warehouse process improvement such as managing man power, relocation, PDCA activity, on time ratio, productivity, cleanliness, etc Pilot project for our plan to expand the warehouse
Bachelor degree from reputable university with GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00
Male, age maximum 30 years old
Must have experience minimal 4 years in spare part warehousing
Have good numerical ability, analytical thinking, and logic of verbal
Have good communication and presentation skill
Have good interpersonal relationship & able to work as team.
Have good initiatives, fast learner, able to adapt easily, and able to work in under pressure situation
Fluent in English (both oral and written).
Accounting Staff (Code: Accounting) Job specification: Position : Accounting Staff Department : Finance, Accounting and Tax Working Location : Head Office (Jakarta)
Job Description :
Follow up issued PO Import related to costing
Process, preparing & checking AP – Import / Local Element Cost
Monitoring clearing account Import / Local Element Cost
Monitoring Receiving Inventory Import on quantity and amount on Inventory Sub System and GL
Process and monitoring Up Date Purchase Costing
Monitoring / review data estimate purchase costing
Monitoring Actual Cost Unit Production
Reconcile data GL and subsystem Inventory
Reconcile outstanding AP balance (sub ledger & aging) with GL
Reconcile data purchase with related party
Requirement :
Bachelor degree from reputable university major in Accounting with GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00 (Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply)
Male, single, age maximum 25 years old
Have good numerical ability, analytical thinking, and logic of verbal
Have good interpersonal relationship & able to work as team.
Fast learner, hard working, can work under pressure, available work overtime.
Fluent in English (both oral and written).
Secretary & General Admin (Code: Secretary&Admin) Job Specification Position: Secretary & General Admin Status : Outsource Working Location : Purwakarta (Cikampek) Duration of Working: 4 months
Job Description:
Prepare and manage correspondence, report and document
Organize and coordinating meeting, conference and meeting amenities
Maintain schedule and calendars for Vice President
Arrange and confirm appointments
Organize internal and external event
Handling incoming mail and others material
Set up, maintain filling system, and distribution document
Take, type and distribute minutes of meeting
Set up and maintain filling system
Visitor scheduling and management
Visitor arrangement : hotel, transportation, invitation letter for visa, itinerary, etc
Expatriate license administration
Overseas travel document administration : passport and visa
ANZ is accelerating the growth of its business in Asia. ANZ realises that our greatest asset is our people. That is why we are creating a unique climate of inspiration, leadership, values and great opportunities that will enable the best in market to thrive as part of our diverse team.
Customer Service Officer (Palembang) - Contract Description As the title suggests, this is a customer facing role apt for an individual with a proven expertise in dealing with customers. In this role, you will be responsible for maintaining and developing customer relationships by providing excellent service and exceeding customer expectations. You will be quick to spot potential sales opportunities, developing these into profitable sales for the Bank, a task you effortlessly achieve by scanning the marketplace for new customers and maintaining excellent relationships with existing customers.
Qualifications Ideally, you will hold a Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline with a mandatory minimum of 1 years experience as a customer service professional in a reputed institution, where you would have served walk-in customers and handled customer related queries with tact and diplomacy. A thorough understanding of bank products and services with computer literacy and excellent English communication skills (written and verbal) are the other essential requirements for this post.
Teller (Palembang) - Contract Description In this role, you will take responsibility for ensuring a high level of service cash transaction, in accordance with Bank polices and procedures, and the local regulations. As part of our strategic business expansion plans, you will contribute towards the achievement of business growth by promoting the Bank’s products, and maintaining excellent relationships with internal & external customers.
Qualifications Ideally, you will hold a Bachelor’s Degree, with a mandatory minimum of 1 years experience working as a teller in any reputed bank. Dedicated customer focus, a good understanding of banking products with knowledge of computers and excellent communication and interpersonal skills are the other essential requirements for this post.
Branch Admin Support(Palembang) - Contract Description The ideal incumbent will be responsible for supporting operations and back office functions with a view to deliver effective branch solutions that support customer growth initiatives. In doing so, you will also ensure the quality and accuracy of outputs within agreed timeframes and in line with internal banking policy and procedural requirement. Qualifications You are expected to have a minimum of 1 years experience in operations and admin support with a sound knowledge of administration functions in an operational environment. The ability to work in a team environment, good knowledge of computers and excellent English communication and interpersonal skills are the essential requirements for this post. Academically, a Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline though preferred, is not a pre-requisite for this role. Operation & Back Officer(Palembang) - Contract Description The ideal incumbent will be responsible for providing operational support for the retail banking branch. You will oversee and control daily bank transactions ensuring liabilities and treasury products are processed in compliance with bank policies & procedures.
Qualifications You are expected to have a minimum of 1 years experience in operations and back office support with a sound knowledge of banking products and related administration functions in an operational environment. Good knowledge of computers and excellent English communication and interpersonal skills are pre-requisites for this post. Academically, a Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline though preferred, is not mandatory. APPLY ONLINE
ANZ is accelerating the growth of its business in Asia. ANZ realises that our greatest asset is our people. That is why we are creating a unique climate of inspiration, leadership, values and great opportunities that will enable the best in market to thrive as part of our diverse team.
AVP Cash Implementation (Jakarta) Requirements: We seek a strong team player with excellent interpersonal and customer service skills capable of understanding the needs of customers and translating them into customer-specific service propositions. This apart, you are flexible, easily adaptable to change within a progressive environment and quick to take initiative to further business. You will bring to the table a minimum of 4 years experience in cash implementation with an understanding of sales products and services. A Bachelor’s degree in any discipline will be an added advantage.
Responsibilities: We believe our customers deserve the best in terms of products and services, and it is with this in mind, we seek individuals who apart from being the best brains in business, possess the capability to understand the needs of the customer, translating them into innovative solutions that enhance business. If you are an individual who relishes challenges, this role is the perfect opportunity for you to take customer service and relationship building to an unsurpassed level of excellence.
Reporting in to the VP Cash Implementation in Indonesia, your prime focus will be on maintaining & growing relationships with customers throughout the implementation process. The role designate will be responsible for customer relationships and will be the single point of contact for the customer throughout the implementation process. You will be in charge of ensuring complete customer implementation within agreed timelines and budget. You will also be required to support the Relationship Managers (RM) & Business Development Managers (BDM) in their quest to secure business via participating in customer meetings, performing requirements analysis or by assisting the BDM’s in solution design.
With a view to increase the uptake and utilization of the channels, you will identify opportunities for value additions and provide feedback on customer requirements/needs and marketing campaigns. Taking the lead in product development and solution design, you will work closely with product and channels team to incorporate new product capabilities in channels and in designing innovative solutions beneficial to customers and the business.
This is an opportunity to undertake a role with development opportunities. With our global head office in Melbourne you will have exceptional opportunity for professional development with a broad range of career paths.
Due to regulatory requirements, this role is only open to Indonesian nationals.
“Valuing everyone between A aNd Z”
If you receive this advertisement through job boards, please apply through www.anz.com/indonesia, quoting ref.no. JAK 100385.
Bank Ekonomi is established since 1990 and currently has been member HSBC Group. As a member of a World’s Local Bank, we would like to Enlarge our business network and also give mutual advantage to customers.
We are proud to invite all smart, communicative and ambitious candidates to develop as:
MIS Head Tasks :
To analyze data for strategic decision making
To produce report for management tools
To support business by providing accurate and meaningful report and analysis
Requirements :
Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1), majoring in Business Finance/ Accounting/ Financial Management preferably S2 in Business Finance/ Accounting/ Financial Management from overseas graduated
Having 10 years experience as MIS Finance within at least 5 years in Banking Industry preferably from foreign bank
Minimum 3 years experience in managerial level (Senior Manager)
Having financial analytical skills, knowledge on MI System
Having good Excel and Visual Basic
Fluent in English both oral and written
Please submit your complete resume and photo to : elvin.tobing@bankekonomi.co.id
Blue Bird Group Sebagai market leader dalam bisnis transportasi di Indonesia, Blue Bird Group mengajak Anda yang memiliki potensi, berjiwa dinamis serta menyukai tantangan untuk bergabung bersama kami menempati posisi sebagai:
Service Manager Otomotif (SMO) Bertanggung jawab terhadap pemeliharaan dan perbaikan sampai dengan 1000 armada dan lebih dari 60 staff, pengelolaan workshop termasuk body repair SDM, pendidikan minimal S1, memiliki pengalaman yang sama di posisi Service Manager Otomotif minimal 3 tahun
Kepala Bengkel Body Repair (KBR) Bertanggung jawab terhadap pemeliharaan body repair armada taksi, pengelolaan workshop body repair dan SDM, berpengalaman sebagai Kepala Body Repair minimal 3 tahun, usia maksimal 35 tahun
Building Supervisor (BS)
Pendidikan D3 semua jurusan
Usia maksimal 32 tahun
Memiliki pengalaman dalam mengelola, memelihara serta melakukan perawatan dan perbaikan gedung bertingkat minimal 3 tahun
Menguasai mechanical electrical, AC dan plumbing.
Staff Operasi (SO)
Pendidikan D3 semua jurusan
Usia maksimal 28 tahun
Memiliki pengalaman organisasi merupakan nilai lebih, bersedia bekerja shift dan di tempatkan di wilayah Jabodetabek
Customer Service (CS)
Pendidikan minimal Diploma semua jurusan, diutamakan dari perhotelan / pariwisata
Dapat berbahasa Inggris dan berpenampilan menarik
Bersedia bekerja shift dan ditempatkan di wilayah Jabodetabek
Kirimkan lamaran lengkap disertai No. telepon dengan mencantumkan kode posisi yang dilamar pada pojok kiri atas amplop ke:
HR Department Blue Bird Group Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya No. 60, Jakarta 12790
Paling lambat 1 minggi setelah iklan ini (This entry was posted on Friday, August 21st, 2009)